Fundación CIDAUT (Foundation for Research and Development in Transport and Energy) was established in 1993 with the purpose of coordinating and channelling the research potential of Valladolid University as well as to find responses to the needs of businesses in the transport and energy industries, contributing to boosting their competitiveness and their industrial development capability. Fundación CIDAUT fosters the use of technology for the design and manufacture of new products as well as undertaking advanced development programmes for improving industrial processes.

In the topic of Acoustics and Vibrations, Fundación CIDAUT has wide-ranging experience in researching and developing solutions to reduce noise level in transport vehicles. The department is currently working on developing the following lines: environmental acoustics, noise from vehicle vibrations and abrasiveness and industrial noise.

Fundación CIDAUT has participated in numerous projects on the theme of acoustics and vibrations, prominent among them the European VII PM projects QUIESST and ACCOUTRAIN, and the national projects PAVISILEN, MAPAS ESTRATÉGICOS DE RUIDO (STRATEGIC NOISE MAPS). PRINCIPADO ASTURIAS (PRINCIPALITY OF ASTURIAS), ASFALTOS (ASPHALTS), MAPAS RUIDO GALICIA (GALICIA NOISE MAPS), TRIBOPAV, TECNOCAI, PASS BY and MERLIN.

Fundación CIDAUT is also a member, and is involved in several activities, of the following European organisations: EuMAT (European Technology Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technologies); ESIS - European Structural Integrity Society; SPE - Society of Plastic Engineers, ASTM - American Society for Testing and Materials; SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers; SEM - Society of Experimental Mechanics; ASA - Acoustical Society of America; IIAV - The International Institute of Acoustics and Vibrations. 
